Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why whistle-blower mechanism is important to us?
As per the section 177 of the Companies Act 2013, it is mandatory for every listed company to have a whistle-blower mechanism. Though, it is not mandatory to outsource but we have decided to appoint Ethics Helpline to receive the complaints from you.
What is the role of Ethics Helpline managed by KPMG?
The Ethics Helpline is an independent, secure, anonymous and confidential reporting platform to report any unethical conduct. The Ethics Helpline will attend to your complaint and highlight it to the senior management at KPMG.
What type of potential incidents can be reported on the Ethics Helpline?
Any allegation which falls under the scope identified below but not limited to, can be reported to the Ethics Helpline:
1. Acceptance of gifts and entertainment
2. Bribery and corruption
3. Concurrent employment
4. Conflict of interest
5. Discrimination
6. Harassment of any nature (other than sexual harassment)
7. Inaccurate financial reporting
8. Inappropriate use of social media
9. Insider trading
10. Leak/suspected leak of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information
11. Misappropriation of company assets or resources
12. Mishandling of confidential information
13. Misuse of authority
14. Victimization or bullying
15. Violation of the environment health and safety guidelines
16. Sexual Harassment
17. Money Laundering
18. Process violation
19. Contract Norms violation
20. Pilferage/Theft of materials
21. Other code of conduct violations
What is a Protected Disclosure?
A Protected Disclosure means any communication made in good faith that discloses or demonstrates information that may evidence unethical behaviour, actual or suspected, fraud or violation of the Code or any other unethical or improper activity, abuse of authority by any Director or employee, misuse or improper use of accounting policies and procedures resulting in misrepresentation of accounts and financial statements.
Is it mandatory to disclose the identity while reporting a Protected Disclosure?
You may choose to remain anonymous or share your identity. While reporting anonymously, you need to share the following minimum information:
1. Name, designation and location of the Subject
2. Location of the incident
3. Evidence or source of evidence
4. Duration/Frequency of the incident
5. Detailed description of the incident
It is recommended that you share your contact details as it will help in swift closure of the complaint.
If I don’t feel comfortable making my secure report from my office computer, what are my other options?
We uses the latest encryption and authentication technology, ensuring that your communications on our web site are secure and private. The ‘https’ keyword in the location bar when submitting information ensures that the connection is encrypted.